The Hurdles
The Men's 110 m HH world record is 12.80 and is held by Aries Merritt (USA)
The Woman's 100 m HH WR is 12.21 set in 1988 by Yordanka Donkova of Bulgaria.
The Men's 400 WR is 46.78 by Kevin Young (USA) set in 1992.
The Women's 400 WR is 52.34 by Yuliya Pechonkina (Russia) set in 2003.
Visit the SCV Hurdles Website by Hart Coach, Matt Nali
The Woman's 100 m HH WR is 12.21 set in 1988 by Yordanka Donkova of Bulgaria.
The Men's 400 WR is 46.78 by Kevin Young (USA) set in 1992.
The Women's 400 WR is 52.34 by Yuliya Pechonkina (Russia) set in 2003.
Visit the SCV Hurdles Website by Hart Coach, Matt Nali
Coach Bob Plassmeyer (armed and dangerous) will return as one of our Hurdle coaches in 2017!
Lifts for Jumpers / sprinters / hurdlers
1. Squats - proper form is VERY important, as you do not want to injure your back. (start with dumbbells)
2. Single Leg Squats
3. Leg press
4. Walking Lunges with dumbbells (watch Alysia's video below)
5. Glute-ham raises
6. RDL/Back Extensions
7. Romanian Dead Lift RDL
8. reverse sit-ups.
9. Olympic Lifts
1. Clean & Jerk
2. Snatch
3. Clean and Press
Alysia Montano on You Tube
Hurdle Drills
1. Walk Overs - Rolando Green
2. Walk Overs -Joey Woody
3. Sprinting over the Hurdle - Tommy White
4. Various Drills - Cliff Rovelto
5. 3 Fundamental Hurdle Drills - Doug Case
6. Stride Length Drill - Karim Abdel Wahab
7. Lead & Trail Leg Wall Drill - Marcus Newsom
8. One Step Drill - Jarius Cooper One Step Drill
9. Knee up - Toe up drill - Eric Jenkins
10. Three Step Walk Over Drill - Coach Steve McGill
11. Forward Lean - Coach Steve McGill
12. Article on 300/400 hurdle technique.
13. How to Hurdle YouTube videos